a not so fun holiday

so i have two weeks of holiday....
most of the time i spend it at home watching korean television show or..... nothing at all. you have to watch radio star with bigbang as the guest because it's really funny, and i'm not lying. oh and i watched a korean movie called the throne, it's a historical movie but the storyline is really good, and on top of it the main actor is my favorite one. and it's a really a tear-jerking movie, like i can't stop crying.

but last saturday i went to tangerang because my mom said that my aunt was sick and we have to see her.

we arrived around half past nine in the morning, and the weather was really warm there its kind of different from bandung. the last time i went to my aunt's house was two years ago, when i was still in junior high school. well i guess something has changed in the last two years, like.... the house paint was white before, and now its green.

and in my opinion it was hideous. um i'm really sorry auntie but green doesn't suit the house at all.

oh, by the time we arrived, my uncle was already waiting in the living room. so after a long greeting we went to see aunt. we talked about a lot of things, catching up with each other. and there was my nephew... he's so tiny and cute.
after that all of us went to a seafood restaurant near a beach, but i forgot what the name was. i didn't eat much because i'm still full at that time.

we went back to the house because my grandma was getting bored and want to go home, and by home it means bandung. so after saying goodbye we left.
we left but not exactly going home. actually we're going to pim because of my mom request, well for me that's okay anyway....

there was a dc superhero-themed shop, and it was really cool like there's so much awesomeness inside. out of all the things there the one that catch my eyes is a life-sized statue of wonder woman, but the batmobile is cool though. and then we went to bakmi gm to eat.....again
the funny thing was that we ordered the wrong food. but its a waste if we don't eat it. and because i'm a kind-hearted person, i volunteered to eat the food ( actually it was because im still hungry )

after that we went shopping, truth to be told it was the best part of the day, like everybody love shopping riiiight?

and then we went home.


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