Story Telling

So today english lesson is story telling, and we made a group consisted by four or five person. I was in a group with Asyilla, Qori, Bayu, and Alif, and we have to tell each other a story.
The story I told is The Sleeping Beauty. Actually I think almost all my groupmate knew this story from their childhood.
Asyilla's story is about Jarvis, a security who patrol at night in Florence Nightingale's Hospital Museum who saw a ghost.
Qori's story is the all-time classic, little red riding hood who met the big bad wolf in the way to her grandma's cottage.
Bayu's story is about a greedy dog who thought that his reflection was another dog.
Alif story is about Ramayana, the mighty Rahwana who kidnapped Shinta, and Rama the faithful man that saved her.

After we heard all of the stories we have to decide what is the moral value of each story, and here's what I thought:
The moral value of the story Little Red Riding Hood is that we must obey our parents and that we must never talk to strangers, because even a very friendly stranger is capable of having bad intentions.


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