MEGANTARA: An Art, Literature, and Cultural Festival

  MEGANTARA, is a festival about art, literary, and culture that held by SMA Negeri 3 Bandung on September 10th 2016 at Lapangan Bali. The theme of this festival is the diversity of indonesian culture since Megantara itself means "Nusantara is a magnificent light".

Now I'm going to tell you guys how my experience attending Megantara. So since I wasn't one of the festival committee and as a first grade I had to participate in the morning parade while wearing a kebaya. We marched with a large group of children from kindergartens and they were really cute and it makes me want to pinch their cheeks. It was a difficult hour for me because i was struggling to walk in samping without tripping on something or embarrassing myself, but overall it was a fun time.

The event started at 11:30 so when the parade ended there's still much time to kill. I went to my friend house to change my clothes first. I went back to Lapangan Bali after dzuhur. When we got there I got separated from my friends. I was walking around alone like a lost child while my friends were busy being the committee and all, and at that time I regretted that I'm not a committee, sad right?
Then I saw many friend from junior high school and we started to catch up, honestly they were a lifesaver.
After that we were walking around while searching for food, but all of the food stand were crowded and the queue was full of people. We finally decided to buy grilled squid, but I thought it was too pricey for a food that was sold in the event that the majority of  the visitor was a student, and still I bought the food.
I spend my money ineffectively that day.

Several hours passed, the sky was dark and the venue was already full. Luckily we got to stand in front of the main stage because TST performed. The performance was amazing and meaningful, all of the audience watched it happily. The next performance was by The Changcuters and it was awesome! I couldn't resist the urge to jump along the song. They performed so many song, it was never-ending. And then the soreness of my legs and thirstiness beat me, I went to the back to buy a drink. Even from the back the crowd was wild, wild in a good way.

After that was a traditional dance performance. Finally it was what people are waiting for, RAN! The performance was really good and all, but there's a girl behind me and she keep screaming on top of her lungs that it hurts my ear, well actually all girls including me screamed but not that loud, no offense though hehe. When the performance end there's confetti burst out and the stage looks amazing.

There's no more performance after that, MEGANTARA has ended, with a major success of course.
 It was a long night and I had a blast, my body is sore but it was really worth it after all.



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